DIAMOND $5,000 - We thank you with ten show tickets, acknowledgement in show program, a full page advertisement in show program, website publicity, a Singing Valentine, a quartet performance and a chorus performance.
PLATINUM $2,500 - We thank you with eight show tickets, acknowledgement in show program, a half page advertisement in show program, website publicity, a Singing Valentine, and a quartet performance.
GOLDĀ $1,000 - We thank you with four show tickets, acknowledgement in show program, a quarter page advertisement in show program, website publicity, and a Singing Valentine.
SILVER $500 - We thank you with two show tickets, acknowledgement in show program, and a business card size advertisement in show program.
BRONZE $100 - We thank you with two show tickets and acknowledgement in show program.
All Donations Greatfully Accepted.
Sacramento Capitolaires P.O. Box 417748 Sacramento, CA 95841